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Exterior Cork With US Thermal Coatings

US Thermal Coatings is an official distributor of thermal cork, an advanced green energy product in today’s market. Using high-performance thermal cork insulation on your home’s exterior is an easy and affordable way to gain an impressive array of benefits for your household, including environmentally-friendly thermal insulation, exceptional sound absorption, proven fire resistance, and the ultimate in water protection. With Thermal Cork Coatings, you’ll also experience a drastic reduction in your energy usage while keeping your home warm in the winter and cool in the summer. Thermal Cork is a naturally renewable resource with a tremendous level of sustainability – our durable insulation product is the high-value home exterior solution that delivers long-lasting results.

Why Choose Cork
hand holding lighter with corkshield layers in background

Insulating and Protecting Your Home With Cork

With US Thermal Coatings revolutionary thermal insulation product, your home will have the premium protective power your family deserves. Our team of applicators has undergone extensive, rigorous training and are experienced contractors, fully-equipped to apply our non-toxic, eco-friendly thermal barrier to your home’s exterior with precision and ease. Because of the material’s amazingly durable yet flexible properties, Thermal Cork is incredibly stable in harsh conditions, resistant to mold growth and rot, and requires zero maintenance. Thermal Cork will add superior functionality to your home and immense value, charm, and beauty.

Your Trusted Source for Innovative Thermal Insulation

It has never been easier or more affordable to stay ahead of the weather and keep your home protected from the elements. Thermal Cork is the world’s most advanced, economical solution to preserve your property, provide effective insulation, save money on your energy bills, and protect the planet. Elevate your family’s indoor comfort by choosing US Thermal Coatings for sustainability and your insulation needs
