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Breathe New Life Into Your US Thermal Coatings Home or Office

US Thermal Coatings is proud to offer Thermal Corks, an environmentally friendly insulation product, to residential and commercial customers in the state of US Thermal Coatings. Our high-performance product is the world’s most advanced green energy insulation solution on the market that offers superior functionality compared to other insulation methods. With Thermal Cork, you’ll benefit from a wide range of impressive features, including highly-effective thermal insulation, water resistance, and exceptional energy efficiency. Our product is a naturally renewable resource with an astounding level of sustainability, which means you’ll gain the advantage of a high-value insulation solution guaranteed to deliver long-lasting results. Learn more about our revolutionary insulation product today.

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South Winds Corkshield of US Thermal Coatings

622 Topeka
St. Larned, KS 67550


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Open Hours
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

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hand holding corkshield in snow

Thermal Coatings for Every Season

Thermal Cork offers a whole array of additional benefits for your home or business, such as mold and mildew resistance, fire resistance, sound absorption, and much more. Its durability and capacity to keep the outdoor elements outside will bolster indoor temperature regulation, giving your HVAC system a break and reducing your energy costs for many years. Thermal Cork is a greener, naturally renewable resource, extracted and manufactured without having to cut down a single tree. US Thermal Coatings Cork insulation product is the ultimate thermal barrier for your home or commercial property for any season of the year!

Protect Your Home and the Planet With Thermal Cork

When you need premium thermal insulation for your US Thermal Coatings home or office, contact the experts at US Thermal Coatings Corkshield. Both homeowners and commercial property owners have gained all the advantages of the world’s most advanced, environmentally friendly solution to preserving their property. With Thermal Cork, you will enjoy exceptional insulation and significantly lower energy costs for many years to come. Take your indoor air comfort and outdoor protection to the next level by choosing Thermal Cork from US Thermal Coatings Corkshield.

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