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Why Choose Cork Insulation

As a certified distributor, US Thermal Coatings can help you gain all the amazing benefits from using cork insulation. Cork is the revolutionary insulation solution that acts as a natural thermal barrier that effectively regulates indoor temperature and provides a cleaner, safer, and healthier living environment. Using cork insulation is a great way to protect the environment because it is a natural, renewable resource that is extracted and manufactured without having to cut down any trees. When you invest in thermal cork insulation, you’ll benefit from a significant increase in energy efficiency while naturally adding more beauty to your home’s exterior.

The Benefits of Cork Insulation

Cork insulation is sprayed on and adheres to almost any surface, including wood, Masonite, metal, concrete, and brick. Apply cork insulation to your home’s exterior, shed, industrial equipment, and beyond for thermal insulation that is more durable, economical, and eco-friendly than traditional interior insulation. Choosing Thermal Cork as your home’s insulation means your home will be well-prepared to handle many harsh elements. There are so many benefits to using cork insulation, including:

  • Advanced Thermal Insulation for Superior Energy Efficiency
  • Acoustic Insulation for a Quieter Indoor Environment
  • Water Resistant for Protection from Leaks and Water Damage
  • Resistance to Mold Growth, Mildew, and Rot
  • Naturally Fire Retardant
  • Flexibility and Elasticity to Withstand Chips and Cracks
  • Extreme Durability in Harsh Conditions
  • Hypoallergenic for a Cleaner, Healthier Environment
  • No Maintenance Requirements
  • Improved Home Exterior
  • Available in Many Colors to Fit Your Style
  • Leaves No Negative Impact on the Environment

The US Thermal Coatings Advantage

US Thermal Coatings specializes in Thermal Cork installations for both residential and commercial properties. Our trade partners and homeowners alike can rest easy knowing we employ a highly trained and certified team of applicators that are well-prepared for the job. It has never been easier to invest in the best in revolutionary insulation solutions. Contact us today for a free estimate.

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